Play It Safe When It Comes To Concussions

More than 38 million boys and girls, ages 5-18, participate in organized youth sports across the country. And while sports can be a fun way to socialize and instill values such as teamwork, physical activity can also mean potential injuries.

Hearing Screening for Newborns Important for Development

Babies begin to develop speech and language from the time they are born. They learn by listening and interacting with the sounds and voices around them. But, when a baby is born with hearing loss, many sounds and voices are not heard, and the child’s s…

Fit Physical Activity into Your Life, Your Way

Adults gain substantial health benefits from two hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate aerobic physical activity, and children benefit from an hour or more of physical activity a day, according to the new Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. O…

Protect Yourself & the People You Love from Common STDs

There are a lot of things you can get out of an intimate relationship – human connection, understanding, love. But one thing you don’t want to get is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). STDs are caused by infections passed from one person to another through sexual contact and can be passed through oral, vaginal or anal sex.

Breathe Easier When You Know More About Asthma

Did you know that 1 in 10 Americans has, or has had asthma at some point in their lives? Most people don’t die from asthma, but there is concern for African Americans because asthma is more likely to cause death. The reason for this disparity is not kn…

Why Alcohol and Pregnancy Do Not Mix

A mother’s alcohol use during pregnancy can cause birth defects and developmental disabilities. These problems are completely preventable if a mother does not drink alcohol while pregnant.

Most Parents Unaware of Possible Brain Damage from Untreated Jaundice

A majority of Americans are not aware of the serious potential risks associated with newborn jaundice, according to a recent survey.  This national survey of nearly 5,000 Americans found that more than 70 percent (71.9 percent) of respondents polled had never heard of kernicterus, a condition that results from brain damage caused when bilirubin levels get too high and go untreated.