Back-to-School: A Time to Think about Health and Academics

Thomas Simon, PhD


Thomas Simon

“We have learned a lot about what works to stop youth violence. Schools are an important part of violence prevention in communities. School-based programs that effectively teach skills, like communication, conflict resolution and management, empathy, and impulse control, have been shown to reduce youth violence. CDC’s new resource, A Comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behaviorspdf icon, describes these and other science-based strategies states and communities can use to prevent youth violence.”

“Suicide is a tragedy that is far too common, but it is preventable. We have a responsibility to promote the strategies that work best. CDC’s new resource, Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practicespdf icon describes seven science-based strategies that states and communities can use to prevent suicide. For example, more can be done to enhance social connections and teach coping and problem-solving skills that help youth tackle everyday challenges with peers, school, and other common sources of stress.”

Thomas Simon, PhD – Acting Branch Chief, Surveillance Branch, Division of Violence Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control


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