Sotrovimab Monoclonal Antibody Treatment for COVID-19

As of April 5, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reissued the emergency use authorization (EUA) for GSK-Vir Biotechnology’s sotrovimab monoclonal antibody treatment. It is important to note Sotrovimab is no longer authorized for use within the U. S. The full FDA press release can be read at FDA updates Sotrovimab emergency use […]

Vestex Scrubs might be able to protect you from taking COVID-19 home

FDA currently reviewing the ability of VESTEX® to reduce COVID-19. While the FDA has not yet reviewed the ability of products protected by VESTEX® to reduce COVID-19, preliminary research has documented results equal to or better than the reduction of MRSA. This research is being assessed analytically and VESTEX® does intend to seek FDA clearance for specific claims […]