CDC Foundation’s New Business Pulse Focuses on a Healthy Workforce | CDC Online Newsroom
Alert_06 Archived: This Page Is No Longer Being Updated This website is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated. Media Advisory For Immediate Release: Wednesday, January 28, 2015Contact: CDC Media Relations404-639-3286 Business Pulse: Healthy Workforce, launched today by CDC Foundation, provides employers and workers with access to resources […]
AMA, CDC to Announce Urgent National Initiative to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes | CDC Online Newsroom
Two of the country’s leading voices in health care will launch major effort aimed at reducing the incidence of one of nation’s most debilitating chronic diseases Alert_06 Archived: This Page Is No Longer Being Updated This website is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated. Chicago – With more […]
New AMA, CDC Initiative Aims to “Prevent Diabetes STAT” | CDC Online Newsroom
Leading voices in health care launch urgent effort to reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes, one of nation’s most debilitating chronic diseases Prevent Diabetes STAT: Screen Test Act Today Chicago – With more than 86 million Americans living with prediabetes and nearly 90 percent of them unaware of it, the American Medical Association (AMA) […]
CDC hosts historic summit honoring 100 years of moving minority health forward | CDC Online Newsroom
Thought leaders to develop strategies to improve minority health in the 21st century Media Advisory For Immediate Release: Monday, April 13, 2015Contact: CDC Media Relations404-639-3286 What “National Negro Health Week to National Minority Health Month: 100 Years of Moving Public Health Forward,” a historical summit of minority health leaders on the 100th anniversary of National […]
CDC Unveils Redesigned Healthy Pets Healthy People Website | CDC Online Newsroom
Alert_06 Archived: This Page Is No Longer Being Updated This website is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated. For Immediate Release Embargoed Until: Friday, October 2, 2015Contact: Media Relations(404) 639-3286 CDC today launched its redesigned Healthy Pets Healthy People website, with expanded information about diseases people can catch […]
CDC Museum – Places and Spaces: Mapping Science

Drawing Actionable Insights from Data Media Statement For Immediate Release: Monday, January 25, 2016Contact: Media Relations,(404) 639-3286 Data visualization is a powerful tool that helps both scientists and the public quickly understand the scope and context of complex health threats. From January 25 to June 17, 2016, the David J. Sencer CDC Museum will […]
New Resources for Infection Prevention in Dental Settings | CDC Online Newsroom

Media Advisory For Immediate Release: Tuesday, March 29, 2016Contact: CDC Media Relations404-639-3286 What The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today released a new resource designed to help dental health care professionals prevent infections. The new resource, “Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for Safe Care,” brings together CDC recommendations from […]
U.S. Teen Girls Experiencing Increased Sadness and Violence

The report also found more than half (52%) of LGBQ+ students had recently experienced poor mental health and, concerningly, that more than 1 in 5 (22%) attempted suicide in the past year. Trend data are not available for students who identify as LGBQ+ due to changes in survey methods. Findings by race and ethnicity also […]
Too few people treated for hepatitis C

A new CDC Vital Signs report finds that too few people diagnosed with hepatitis C are being treated, despite availability of medications capable of curing this viral infection. According to CDC’s estimates: Overall, less than 1 in 3 people with health insurance get direct-acting antiviral (DAA) treatment for hepatitis C within a year of diagnosis. […]
Firearm Deaths Grow, Disparities Widen

Firearms were involved in 79% of all homicides and 53% of all suicides in 2020. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a historic increase of 35% in the firearm homicide rate, resulting in the highest firearm homicide rate in more than 25 years. This, along with increases in firearm suicide rates […]
Community fights to save Alzheimer’s care home
Now we are starting to see nursing homes and assisted living facilities struggle to pay their bills. Many are being forced to sell to larger investment companies or just going out of business. This is only the beginning, there was a great article published by the Honolulu Advertiser today. I think this will be our […]
Get free at-home COVID-19 tests
It’s time to order you free COVID-19 tests. Key things to remember is: If you are symptomatic, and your rapid test is negative you should follow it up with a PCR test. Rapid tests have a harder time picking up Omicron. When in doubt get advice from your physician. Get vaccinated now don’t wait until […]
Vestex Scrubs might be able to protect you from taking COVID-19 home
FDA currently reviewing the ability of VESTEX® to reduce COVID-19. While the FDA has not yet reviewed the ability of products protected by VESTEX® to reduce COVID-19, preliminary research has documented results equal to or better than the reduction of MRSA. This research is being assessed analytically and VESTEX® does intend to seek FDA clearance for specific claims […]
VESTEX Scrubs, T-shirts and Jackets to protect you from fluid, bacteria, and viruses.
Don’t risk taking body fluids, bacteria or viruses home anymore. VESTEX is the company to go to. They are approved by the FDA and work the way advertise. They are worth every penny. Tried, Tested and Loved. The global VESTEX® brand franchise has been in development for over a decade. For thousands of consumers around the […]
Guidance for the Interim Final Rule – Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination
Memo # QSO-22-07-ALL Posting Date 2021-12-28 Fiscal Year 2022 Summary CMS is committed to ensuring America’s healthcare facilities respond effectively in an evidence-based way to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency (PHE). •On November 05, 2021, CMS published an interim final rule with comment period (IFC). This rule establishes requirements regarding COVID-19 vaccine […]