Prevention and Control of Influenza with Vaccines
Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2010 SUMMARY The 2010 influenza recommendations include new and updated information. Highlights of the 2010 recommendations include: a recommendation that annual vaccination be administered to all persons aged≥6 months for the 2010-11 influenza season a recommendation that children aged 6 months-8years whose vaccination status is unknown […]
Fall Infection Control Newsletter
InCo & Associates Quarterly Newsletter Fall marks the beginning of the Influenza season. For long-term care facilities this signifies numerous flu shots for residents and staff members. Influenza is a common respiratory illness affecting thousands of people worldwide each year. Unfortunately, influenza may be lethal for individuals over the age of 65. Therefore, annual influenza […]
Infection Control and Health Care Epidemiology
Infection control and health care epidemiology is the discipline concerned with preventing the spread of infections within the health-care setting. As such, it is a practical (rather than an academic) sub-discipline of epidemiology. It is an essential (though often underrecognized and undersupported) part of the infrastructure of health care. Infection control and hospital epidemiology are […]