Vestex Scrubs might be able to protect you from taking COVID-19 home
FDA currently reviewing the ability of VESTEX® to reduce COVID-19. While the FDA has not yet reviewed the ability of products protected by VESTEX® to reduce COVID-19, preliminary research has documented results equal to or better than the reduction of MRSA. This research is being assessed analytically and VESTEX® does intend to seek FDA clearance for specific claims […]
Harnessing Home Care in Early Sepsis Recognition
Guest Author: Al Cardillo Executive Vice President Home Care Association (HCA) of New York State Early recognition of potential sepsis symptoms, rapid referral for confirmatory diagnosis, and swift intervention are imperative to protect patients. Healt…
The Long Tail of Sepsis
Guest Author: Hallie C. Prescott, MD, MSc Pulmonary and Critical Care University of Michigan Ann Arbor VA Hospital I am an intensive care unit (ICU) doctor. Ever since I began medical training, I was drawn to the ICU. I love the challenge of caring for…
The Cost of Sepsis
Guest Author: Jim O’Brien Vice President of Quality and Patient Safety Ohio Health Riverside Methodist Hospital I am biased about sepsis, but I will try to put that aside and present an argument for why people who have day jobs like me – hospital a…
The Need for EMS to be on the Lookout for Pediatric Sepsis
Guest Author: Rommie L. Duckworth, LP Founder, Director New England Center for Rescue & Emergency Medicine, LLC Anya Coronel was born on April 18, 2009. A beautiful baby girl, Anya was born with spina bifida, a birth defect that, while corrected by surgery, would leave her prone to infections as well as a condition known
The Power of Families in the Battle against Sepsis
Guest Author: Orlaith Staunton Do you know that it is possible to prevent sepsis by the simple act of providing antibiotics and fluids when it is suspected? We didn’t know this when our beautiful son Rory Staunton died at just 12 years of age when em…
A Healthcare Risk Manager Shares Her Advice after Personally Surviving Sepsis
Guest Author: Pamela L. Popp MA JD DFASHRM CPHRM AIM DSA Executive Vice President/Chief Risk Officer Western Litigation In January of 2008, I joined the ranks of sepsis survivors. I too was placed on a ventilator, given months of antibiotic and antif…
A Sepsis Nurse Shares her Personal Experience with Sepsis
Guest Author: Susan A. Irick, MS, RN, ACNP-C Disease Manager for Pneumonia and Sepsis Northeast Georgia Medical Center Sepsis is a term I have heard my entire nursing career. It never had quantifiable significance to me until the past 3 years. Now, sep…
Fall Infection Control Newsletter
InCo & Associates Quarterly Newsletter Fall marks the beginning of the Influenza season. For long-term care facilities this signifies numerous flu shots for residents and staff members. Influenza is a common respiratory illness affecting thousands of people worldwide each year. Unfortunately, influenza may be lethal for individuals over the age of 65. Therefore, annual influenza […]
Bloodborne Pathogens
Bloodborne Pathogens A Bloodborne Pathogens or blood-borne disease is one that can be spread by contamination by blood. The most common examples are HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and viral haemorrhagic fevers. Diseases that are not usually transmitted directly by blood contact, but rather by insect or other vector, are more usefully classified as vector-borne […]